Thursday, August 30, 2012

Psychological Aspects of Lighting: Studies and Sketches

Space 1- The lobby space in the MHRA building.
Very bright and clearly in focus, the ample amount of light flowing in from outside and well and the lights reflections of the glass, floor and walls and makes the space feel vast. Seems very warm, inviting and relaxing. Overall I would give it a very pleasant feeling. Most of the light pouring into the space seems to be coming from the peripheral. The interior lights seem to give off a similar tint as the light coming in for outside through the large windows. This space is very warm and bright.

Space 2- The stairwell in the Ferguson Building.
The light is very dim in this pretty much windowless space. The only source of light seems to be coming from the wall light that is rather harsh in this tiny dark space. It feels very cramped and not inviting at all. It does't have a feeling that one is suppose to linger within this area long. The lighting is coming from the overhead light on the wall. Since there is not other real light source here, I guess it could be said it was still uniform. It is dim, very dim at that. I do not feel the same emotions of feelings here as I did in space 1.

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